Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Round Two...

You know, sometimes you just can't-- or don't want to -- get away from work! I mean, We're in the Eastern Caribbean on a cruise ship many, many miles from Florida. My wife and I can't help but overhear several conversations during the week dealing with libraries. She smiles and is amazed.

During one lunch, Mary Ann and I were talking to a couple from Delaware. They were in the beginning stages of planning a library in their home. I gave them some practical advice on shelving (no pine, maple or oak only, flip them every few years). Well, they were fascinated with the fact I'm a librarian. The questions kept on coming about the inside machinations of libraries. It was fun answering their questions. But after about 15 minutes of goodwill I finally said, "I would love to talk more about this, but... I'm on vacation."

You know the feeling...

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