Friday, July 25, 2008

Everyone want to be a librarian...

We librarians were aghast when Wikipedia first came out because, as I said in an earlier post, we couldn't quite believe the wisdom of the masses. Studies have proven us wrong. Well now we're really astounded by the tags that the masses can make on their own and people can actually find what they're looking for. Amazing! Tecnorati does this and more. In "What is Popular", you can find Boing Boing, tabs for videos, the Olympics Channel and even Green in the Lifestyle tabs. It like everyone wants to be a librarian!

The PBCLS website had over 50 reactions to it and covered topics like audiobooks, E-Gov research, book clubs, 23 things and our award-winning Mousercize.

The tag search for Web 2.0 yielded over 25,000 posts. It's interesting that the number of posts per day ranged from about 7 to about 83 over the last several weeks. Some of the related tags were technology, web, internet, ajax (feed) and blogging. One very interesting blog I read was by a library director out west. In his "Gather No Dust" blog he listed several functions of his library as a result of his user survey. We have often mentioned the term "the library as place", but he added to that by saying his small business users capitalized on "the library as office." Now there's a new term I can research...

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