Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yum--Yuck is definitely something I am going to use. The "favorites" on my home computer is long and unwieldy. I will fix that tonight! I looked at a number of library blogs that we all seemed to view. My favorite was Annoyed Librarian. Oh, the tags were normal (librarian, librarianship, library, libraries, 2.0, etc.), but it was the user notes that slayed me ("edgy", "whatever it is-- I'm against it", etc.).

It led to other, shall we say "contrarian librarian" sites like The Vampire Librarian or The Bitter Librarian. You have to appreciate the dour sense of humor when a YS librarian talks about "chicken parents" who yell at their kids for shouting in the library. "You'll upset the librarian." Like it's us that are raising and disciplining their kids! The librarian's idea of a good time is watching library patrons pull on the locked library doors on a holiday. That's "yucky" but some how perversely humorous. Sometimes ya need a little yuck with the yum.

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